オラ ポノ ロミ バーム | 2液量オンス
オラ ポノ ロミ バームは、ハワイの薬用植物の伝統的な使用法に着想を得て、ビッグ アイランドのクム ロミ、デーン シルバと共同で開発された、天然の鎮痛効果のあるボディ バームです。ハワイの薬用植物の強力な抗炎症、抗菌、抗酸化作用を利用し、メンソールと樟脳エッセンシャル オイルの温感と冷感によって強化され、痛みを和らげ、ストレスと緊張を緩和します。
香り: レモングラス
Massage a small amount into sore or stiff areas, breathe deeply and release!
Tamanu + Avocado + Coconut + Macadamia + Kukui Nut Oil A synergistic blend of premium tropical oils that support cell regeneration, relieve skin irritation, reduce inflammation, and purifies the skin.
Beeswax Hawaiian Beeswax forms a protective barrier on the skin and helps prevent Moisture loss.
Turmeric + ‘Uhaloa + Ginger + Noni Fruit + Lemongrass A power house blend of Hawaiian healing plants that are: High in Anti-oxidants, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-bacterial, Anti-septic and Anti-microbial.
Hawaiian Chili Pepper Like all chili peppers, Hawaiian Chili Pepper is High in vitamin C that helps to boost the immune system from the outside in. It is also anti-inflammatory and helps increase circulation and relieve pain. We grow this on our farm as well as purchase from our local farmers.
‘Awa Hawaii grown, “The Root of Happiness” reduces pain and relaxes muscles.
Organic oil extracts of: ‘Uhaloa, Hawaiian Chili Pepper, ʻAwa, Noni
Fruit, Turmeric Root, Ginger Root, Passion Flower Herb and Lemongrass,
Hawaiian Beeswax, Carnuba Wax, White Camphor Essential Oil, Menthol
Crystals, Lemongrass Essential Oil, Tamanu Oil, Kukui Nut Oil, Macadamia
Nut Oil, Organic Avocado Oil